Tuesday, April 24, 2012

M B F W A.

Brand images courtesy of the brand itself. Wicked, mad photoshop skills all my own.

Is it sad that the most fun I've had all day was doing these collages? I've never been the 'sporty' type so doing little creative bits like this is just something that I really enjoy! Anyway, getting back on track!
With Fashion Week starting in a just a few days, not only have I officially descended into panic mode, but I thought it only right to give a little shout out to a few of the shows I've been invited to. I am overly excited and I feel really honored that these designers and the companies that organize the Collection Shows see my blog as worthy enough to cover such amazing events. I feel like something amazing is going to happen next week, and I can't wait to see what it is! And I hope you're all looking forward to the excitement that is FW, even if you can't go yourself. I was thinking about setting up a separate 'tumblr' account to publish all the shows on rather than putting them all up here, so let me know if you think that's a good idea! In the past few days I've attended a couple of fun events so keep your eyes peeled for posts! Hope you're all having a good week so far!


  1. Super COOL pics...amazing Collage...i love the TRENCH flower =)

    XOXO from MUNICH

    LA Vie Quotidienne

    Today you can check my new TRENCH and MINI: in www.laviequo.com

    I open my SHOP in: http://laviequo.blogspot.com/2012/04/laviequocom-shop.html

  2. So so jealous. I would die to go to Whitney Eve!!! Adore Whitney Port!


  3. MBFWA is looming!
    I know how stressful it can be in the "packing process" haha
    but seriously looking forward to it! all the collections...especially the one by Kym Ellery =)


  4. So jealous of the Whitney Eve invite hun! But so well deserved!
    Enjoy every moment & I'll see you about the events!

    A x


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